
New standard for water purification industry

文章来源: 作者: 发布时间:2018年04月14日 点击数: 字号:

Released by Standardization administration of China, the first mandatory standard "Minimum allowable value of water efficiency and water efficiency grades for reverse osmosis drinking water treatment purifiers" (GB 34914-2017) will be officially implemented in November of 2018, which means that China will impose mandatory restriction on standardized production of water purification industry.

The Standard specifies minimum allowable values of water efficiency, evaluating values of water conservation, water efficiency grade and test methods for reverse osmosis drinking water treatment purifiers.

The Standard also specifies the test and calculation methods, and sets the red line of clean water production rate, such as 35% for Grade 5 of water efficiency limit value, so that up to 30% of water purifiers will be phased out.

Now, the average efficiency of water purifiers is less than 20% and the efficiency will be doubled after the Standard implementation. The value of Grade II is 55%, as the leading index of high efficient water saving products, which will encourage enterprises to improve their technologies and achieve high water efficiency through integrated products quality enhancement.