Research on thermal pressure ventilation air volume of a subway station
以上海某地铁车站为实测对象,基于车站空气热平衡原理进行理论计算,得到地铁车站热压通风量,并对其进行了相关特性研究。研究结果表明:地铁车站热压通风受车站室内外温差影响显著;在冬季(1、2、12月),各月热压通风量分别占出入口总通风量的56.5%、45.3%、50.1%,各月热压通风量平均值分别为29 849、24 024、25 425 m3/h,约占标准车站新风机组容量的83%、67%、71%,热压通风带走大量热量,使车站内空气温度普遍低于18 ℃;在过渡季(3、4、10、11月),各月热压通风量分别占出入口总通风量的40.9%、40.8%、42.7%、55.3%,各月热压通风量平均值分别为20 499、23 628、23 643、24 131 m3/h,约占标准车站新风机组容量的57%、66%、66%、68%,车站内空气温度主要在20~28 ℃之间,无需每天开启机械送风即可满足乘客热舒适性需求,减少了机械送风能耗。
Taking a subway station in Shanghai as the experimental object, this paper conducts theoretical calculations based on the principle of station air thermal balance, obtains the thermal pressure ventilation air volume, and studies the relevant characteristics. The research results show that the thermal pressure ventilation of the subway station is significantly affected by the temperature difference between outdoor and indoor temperatures. In winter (January, February and December), the thermal pressure ventilation air volume in each month accounts for 56.5%, 45.3%, and 50.1% of the total ventilation volume at the inlet and outlet, respectively. The average air volume of thermal pressure ventilation in each month is 29 849 m3/h, 24 024 m3/h, and 25 425 m3/h, respectively, accounting for approximately 83%, 67%, and 71% of the capacity of the outdoor air handling unit in the standard station. The thermal pressure ventilation takes away a large amount of heat, causing the air temperature inside the station to be generally below 18 ℃. During transition season (March, April, October and November), the thermal pressure ventilation air volume in each month accounts for 40.9%, 40.8%, 42.7%, and 55.3% of the total ventilation volume at the inlet and outlet, respectively. The average air volume of thermal pressure ventilation in each month is 20 499 m3/h, 23 628 m3/h, 23 643 m3/h, and 24 131 m3/h, respectively, accounting for approximately 57%, 66%, 66%, and 68% of the capacity of the outdoor air handling unit of the standard station. The air temperature inside the station is mainly from 20 ℃ to 28 ℃, which can meet the thermal comfort requirement of passengers without turning on mechanical ventilation system every day. Therefore, the energy consumption of the mechanical ventilation can be decreased.
Keywords:thermal pressure ventilation; subway station; air thermal balance; temperature difference; air volume calculation