

Introduction of standard system for construction of arthropod biosafety laboratories in the United States

梁磊[1] 夏菡[2] 赵四清[3] 高玉伟[3] 赵彤言[3] 孙岩松[3] 王荣[4] 崔磊[1] 王燕芹[1] 李明[5] 陈珣珣[6]
[1]中国建筑科学研究院有限公司 [2]中国科学院武汉病毒研究所 [3]军事科学院军事医学研究院 [4]天津大学 [5]广州实验室 [6]广东省结核病控制中心





Arthropod-borne diseases, such as dengue, malaria, tick-borne encephalitis, etc., are natural infectious diseases transmitted by bloodsucking arthropods. They have varying degrees of outbreaks and epidemics in China and even globally each year, bringing huge challenges to public health and biosafety. This paper summarizes and compares the relevant standards for the construction of arthropod biosafety laboratories in the United States, focusing on the classification of arthropod biosafety laboratories, including the main requirements for process layout points, ventilation and air conditioning schemes, waste treatment, and drainage measures at different levels of laboratories, in the hope of providing suggestions and opinions on the development and construction of relevant standards for arthropod biosafety laboratories in China.



