Investigation and analysis of current indoor thermal environment in northern urban residences with centralized heating
本研究于2020年1月16日至10月30日通过问卷调查的方式,对我国华北、西北、东北及部分华中和华东地区典型城镇冬季集中供暖住宅热环境现状开展了调研与分析。调查内容主要涉及热用户建筑概况、供暖方式及收费方式、室内环境温度、家庭成员、人员衣着、房间温度偏低时的应对措施等。调研结果表明:东北、西北地区约60%以上的调研热用户房间供暖温度高于22 ℃,华北地区约40%以上的调研热用户房间供暖温度高于22 ℃,调研热用户多是春末初秋的衣着方式。进一步研究了冬季室内人员在可接受的“轻度冷暴露”温度条件下的人员衣着方式,以期为满足简约舒适热环境的绿色低碳供暖方式的提出提供参考依据。
This study conducts a questionnaire survey from January 16 to October 30, 2020 to investigate and analyse the current situation of residential thermal environment with centralized heating in winter in North, Northwest, Northeast and some typical cities in Central and East China. The survey mainly involves the general situation of heat users’ buildings, heating methods and their charging methods, indoor ambient temperature, family members, personnel clothing, countermeasures when the room temperature is low, etc. The survey results show that more than 60% of the investigated heat users in Northeast and Northwest China have room heating temperatures of more than 22 ℃, more than 40% of the investigated heat users in North China have room heating temperatures of more than 22 ℃, and most of the investigated heat users are dressed in late spring and early autumn. The clothing style of indoor personnel under the acceptable “mild cold exposure” temperature in winter is further studied, in order to provide a reference for the proposal of green low-carbon heating mode to meet the simple and comfortable thermal environment.