

Simulation model research and performance analysis of array mufflers

王笑笑 樊洪明 李澳楠


为研究新型阵列式消声器的消声性能和空气动力性能,选取3台消声器进行试验及仿真模型研究。建立了消声器压力损失数学模型和基于管道声模态的插入损失数学模型,考虑了穿孔板的影响,并通过试验验证了模型。在此基础上,分析了气流在消声器中的流动情况及气流速度、消声器结构对插入损失的影响。结果表明:消声器入口处噪声值较大时,0~10 m/s的气流速度对插入损失影响不大;随吸声体长度增加和间距减小,插入损失增大。



In order to study the acoustic attenuation and aerodynamic performance of the new type of array muffler, three mufflers are selected for the test and simulation model research. The mathematical models of muffler pressure loss and insertion loss based on the method of pipeline acoustic mode are established, in which the influence of the perforated plate is considered, and the model is verified by test results. On this basis, the flow of airflow in the muffler and the influences of airflow velocity and muffler construction on the insertion loss are analysed. The results show that when the noise value at the muffler entrance is large, the airflow velocity of 0 to 10 m/s has little effect on the insertion loss. The insertion loss increases with the increase of the length of the sound absorber and the decrease of the spacing.



