

Application of air-source heat pump heating systems to rural residences in Tianjin

邢金城【1】 赵宇新【1】 凌继红【1】 杨秩勋【1】 周忆惟【2】
【1】天津大学 【2】天津市建筑设计研究院有限公司


为研究天津农村地区空气源热泵供暖取代燃煤供暖后居民的热舒适需求变化及不同供暖末端的供暖效果,在天津某农村进行了热舒适调研,并实测了空气源热泵+散热器/风机盘管系统的运行性能,最后利用模拟软件进行了建模比较分析。调研发现,天津农村地区冬季供暖时90%居民可接受的操作温度范围为16.4~19.2 ℃。实测表明,风机盘管用户室内空气温度高于散热器用户,且日均单位面积供暖电耗与散热器用户基本相同。能耗模拟结果也表明,在保障室内舒适度前提下,供暖末端为风机盘管时所需机组供回水温度比散热器低,供暖电耗少。



In order to study the change of residents’ thermal comfort demand when air-source heat pump heating instead of coal-fired heating and the heating effect of different heating terminals in rural areas of Tianjin, conducts a thermal comfort survey in a rural area of Tianjin, and tests the on-site performance of radiators/fan coils combined with an air-source heat pump. To compare the heating effect of two heating terminals, establishes an energy consumption model by the simulation software. The survey results show that 90% residents in rural areas of Tianjin can accept the operating temperature range of 16.4-19.2 ℃ during winter heating. The measured results show that the indoor air temperature of the fan-coil users is higher than that of the radiator users, and the average daily heating power consumption per unit area is almost the same as that of radiator users. The energy consumption simulation results also show that on the premise of indoor comfort,the required supply and return water temperature of the fan-coil heating system is lower than that of the radiator heating system, and the heating power consumption is less.



