

Energy efficiency evaluation of air conditioning systems using reservoir water in underground powerhouses of hydropower stations

吴 青[1] 颜加明[2] 徐蒯东[2] 林建泉[1] 张 睿[1] 肖益民[1]
[1]重庆大学 [2]中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司





Summarizes the typical application forms of reservoir water in air conditioning systems of underground powerhouses of hydropower stations, and establishes an evaluation model based on the concept of energy efficiency ratio of air conditioning systems. Taking a hydropower station as an example, simulates and calculates the energy efficiency ratio of different air conditioning system types using reservoir water. The results show that under the water temperature and climate condition of this hydropower station, the best air conditioning scheme is using the reservoir water as the cold source of the primary surface cooler to precool the outdoor air, and then as the cooling water of the chiller.

Keywords:hydropower station, underground powerhouse, reservoir water, air conditioning system, energy efficiency ratio


