Ventilation, air conditioning and smoke management design of depots with development of upper covers
随着国内轨道交通快速发展,带上盖物业开发的停车场(车辆段)也越来越多。以南宁市轨道交通3号线工程新村停车场为例,结合新实施的GB 51251—2017《建筑防烟排烟系统技术标准》对带上盖物业开发的地铁停车场的通风空调及防排烟设计进行介绍,为类似工程设计提供参考。
With the rapid development of domestic rail transit industry, the construction is increasing for the depot with development of the upper cover. Taking the Xincun depot of Nanning Rail Transit Line 3 project as an example, presents the design of ventilation, air conditioning and smoke management for depots with development of the upper cover based on the standard Technical standard for smoke management systems in buildings (GB 51251-2017), in order to provide reference for similar projects.
Keywords:development of upper cover, depot, ventilation, air conditioning, smoke management