Positive role of green buildings in COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control
通过对标准条文的分析,结合实践经验,认为根据GB/T 50378—2014《绿色建筑评价标准》设计和运营的绿色建筑,在室内空气、室外环境、应急能力和运行管理等方面可以提高对病毒疫情的防控效果;建议未来绿色建筑应加强卫生措施,增加健康性能,进一步提高防控疫情能力。
Through the standard provision analysis and practical experience, considers that the green buildings designed and operated according to GB/T 50378-2014 Assessment standard for green building can improve the prevention and control effect of virus epidemic in the aspects of indoor air, outdoor environment, emergency response ability and operation management. Suggests that health measures and health performance should be improved for the green buildings in the future in order to enhance the ability of epidemic prevention and control.
Keywords:green building, 2019-nCoV, pandemic, building ventilation, indoor air quality, outdoor environment