Building energy efficiency climate zoning in Inner Mongolia
Inner Mongolia is a vast region with large climatic differences and obvious differences in building energy consumption. The existing building thermal climate zoning can not effectively guide the design of building energy efficiency. Based on the analysis of historical meteorological parameters in parts of Inner Mongolia, taking the solar radiation, outdoor air temperature, wind speed and relative humidity as the meteorological zoning indexes, carries out the research on the climate zoning of building energy efficiency in Inner Mongolia. Choosing the coldest month meteorological data of 12 cities in Inner Mongolia from 2012 to 2016 as the zoning data sources, obtains 5 building energy efficiency climate zoning using the cluster analysis method. Performs the energy consumption simulation of residential buildings in each zone through the EnergyPlus software to verify the accuracy of the zoning results, and analyses the building energy efficiency measures.
Keywords:Inner Mongolia, building energy efficiency, climate zoning, zoning index, cluster analysis