GB 51251—2017《建筑防烟排烟系统技术标准》中关于排烟设计若干条文分析
Analysis of several provisions on smoke exhaust design in GB 51251-2017 Technical standard for smoke management systems in buildings
GB 51251—2017《建筑防烟排烟系统技术标准》的正式实施,受到了建筑消防设计人员和相关学者的高度关注,引起了热烈讨论。新标准对排烟系统设计做出了大量的修改,若干条文规定存在一些争议。通过对新标准的推敲,对自然排烟量、顶部自然排烟口速度、顶部自然排烟口面积和走道排烟口设置进行了分析和公式推导,对于不同工况给出了具体的参数值。对于一些目前尚未完全明确的问题,也进行了尝试性分析,并给出了初步建议。
With the formal implementation of GB 51251-2017 Technical standard for smoke management systems in buildings, it has entailed extensive attention as well as enthusiastic discussions and disputes. There exist some significant changes on the design of smoke exhaust system in the new standard, and there are some controversies about some provisions. Through the scrutiny of the new standard, analyses the flow rate of natural smoke exhaust, the velocity and the area of top natural smoke vent, and the setting of corridor smoke vent. Gives specific parameter values for different working conditions. Provides tentative analyses and gives preliminary suggestions for some problems that have not been completely clarified at present.
Keywords:smoke exhaust design, flow rate of mechanical smoke exhaust, flow rate of natural smoke exhaust, velocity of natural smoke vent, maximum volumetric flow rate