T/CECS 662—2020《医学生物安全二级实验室建筑技术标准》解读
Interpretation of T/CECS 662-2020 Architectural technical standard for BSL-2 laboratory in medical facilities
介绍了中国工程建设标准化协会T/CECS 662—2020《医学生物安全二级实验室建筑技术标准》的编制工作,重点介绍了标准编制的背景、过程、主要内容、技术重点等。对关键条文进行了解读。
Presents a brief introduction of T/CECS 662-2020 Architectural technical standard for BSL-2 laboratory in medical facilities, and especially focuses on the background, process, main contents, and technical focus of this standard. Interpretates some key items of the standard.
Keywords:medical BSL-2 laboratory, enhanced medical BSL-2 laboratory, standard, interpretation, laboratory containment area