After COVID-19 epidemic: Development of energy bus and 5th generation district heating and cooling system
Analyses the situation of global climate change and energy transition. Points out that large-scale use of renewable energy and the electrification of urban heating and transportation should become one of the important options for global economic recovery after the COVID-19 epidemic. The concept of energy bus system (5th generation district heating and cooling system) is derived from the ground-source heat pump (GSHP) system and the water loop heat pump system, which provides heat source and sink for distributed water-source heat pumps through a warm pipe and a cold pipe. Various low-grade renewable heat sources and waste heat resources can be used to improve system efficiency, and heat recovery can be achieved by utilizing energy synergy among buildings of different purposes. Analyses several key technologies in the application of energy bus and proposes several important technologies that need to be studied. Indicates that the energy bus can achieve higher energy efficiency and better economic benefits than traditional systems, and can be used as a measure to promote consumption, stimulate investment, and improve people’s livelihood after the COVID-19 epidemic.