
北京市DB 11/891—2012《居住建筑节能设计标准》修编耗热量指标的研究

Study on index of heat loss in revision of Beijing local standard DB 11/891-2012 Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings

刘畅 万水娥 贺克瑾 王祎


介绍了北京市地方标准DB 11/891—2012《居住建筑节能设计标准》修编中耗热量指标的选取方法与原则。提出了外表系数的概念,将围护结构热工参数规定性指标及能耗指标改为按照建筑外表系数进行分级。修编后耗热量指标改为采用能耗模拟软件进行动态逐时模拟计算,对耗热量指标提出了引导值与现行值,并提出了建筑朝向和南向窗墙面积比2个修正系数。



Presents the selection method and principle of index of heat loss in the revision of Beijing local standard DB 11/891-2012 Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings. Puts forward the concept of surface factor, and changes the thermal parameter prescriptive indicators of building envelope and energy consumption indicators to be classified according to the building surface factor. After the revision, the index of heat loss should be calculated using the dynamic hourly simulation method. Proposes the guiding value and current value of the index of heat loss, and gives two correction coefficients of building orientation and south-facing window-wall area ratio.



