

Monitoring and analysis of ground temperature field of a GSHP in Hangzhou

李少华[1] 林清龙[1] 段新胜[2] 毛汉川[1] 林楠[1] 黄卫平[1]
[1]浙江省地质调查院 [2]中国地质大学


对杭州某地埋管地源热泵系统运行第1年的监测数据进行了计算分析,热泵系统第1年向地下净排热量为680 GJ,热不平衡率为39%,存在热积累现象。分析了不同位置、不同深度处地温1 a的变化规律,经过一个完整的制冷季-过渡季-制热季-过渡季,位于4个地埋管换热孔中心的地温监测孔内温升为0.29~0.54 ℃,平均温升为0.33 ℃。对系统运行10,20 a后的地温变化进行了预测。



Calculates and analyses the monitoring data of a ground-source heat pump system(GSHP) in Hangzhou in the first year of operation. In the first year, the heat pump system discharges 680 GJ of heat to the ground and the thermal imbalance rate is 39%, with the heat accumulation phenomenon. Analyses the variation law of ground temperature at different locations and depths. After a complete phase of cooling-transition-heating-transition, the temperatures in the ground temperature monitoring holes at the center of four ground heat exchange holes rise 0.29 to 0.54 ℃, and the average temperature rises 0.33 ℃. Predicts the changes of ground temperature in the coming 10 and 20 years’ operation.



