

Application safety analysis of civil air conditioning chilled water (heat pump) units with ammonia refrigerant

许安勇[1] 高建廷[2] 郭辉[1] 杨长武[2] 何辉[2] 余建华[1]
[1]中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司 [2]昆山台佳机电有限公司


 氨是一种性能优良的制冷剂,具有高效、环保、廉价等优点,采用其作制冷工质的冷水(热泵)机组早已在国外研制成功并在民用建筑中得到应用。尽管GB 50736—2012《民用建筑供暖通风与空气调节设计规范》已允许氨冷水(热泵)机组应用于民用建筑的空调系统,但国内暂无厂家生产应用于民用建筑的氨冷水(热泵)机组,主要是对氨的毒性和可燃性存在一些顾虑。通过对国家相关法律、标准的对照检查和对采用氨作制冷剂机组的技术、构造特性及含氨设备的一般泄漏事故树分析,采用类比等评估方法,得出了采用氨作制冷剂的民用空调冷水(热泵)机组可以安全应用于民用领域的结论,为氨制冷机在民用领域的推广应用提供了支撑。



 Ammonia is an excellent refrigerant with high efficiency, environmental protection and low cost. The chilled water (heat pump) unit with ammonia refrigerant has been developed and used in civil buildings in foreign countries. Although GB 50736-2012 Design code for heating ventilation and air conditioning of civil buildings has allowed ammonia chilled water (heat pump) units to be used in civil building air conditioning systems, there are no domestic manufacturers currently producing ammonia chilled water (heat pump) units for civil buildings, mainly due to some concerns about the toxicity and flammability of ammonia. Through the comparison of relevant national laws and standards, and the analysis of the technical and structural characteristics of ammonia chilled water (heat pump) units and the general leakage accident tree of ammonia-containing equipment, concludes that the civil air conditioning chilled water (heat pump) unit with ammonia refrigerant can be safely applied to the civil field by the analogous evaluation method, which provides support for the promotion and application of the ammonia refrigerator in the civil field.



