

Usage behavior of residential outdoor air system and its influencing factors: A case study of transitional seasons in Beijing

李庆平[1] 高洋[1] 王国建[1] 王骞[1] 熊樱子[1] 李群[1] 潘嵩[2] 张文静[2] 刘奕巧[2]
[1]北京住总集团有限责任公司建筑设计研究院 [2]北京工业大学


住宅新风系统使用行为直接影响室内空气质量、热舒适和建筑能耗。选取北京地区4户家庭,对其过渡季新风系统使用行为进行了实测。分析发现,使用新风系统能够明显改善室内空气质量。但住宅新风系统并非24 h开启,存在使用行为。提出了开启时长和开启概率的概念来定量评价使用行为,得出每日平均开启时长为16.5 h,平均开启概率为70.6%。室外PM2.5浓度是影响新风系统使用行为的关键因素,当室外PM2.5质量浓度大于125 μg/m3时,新风系统开启概率基本趋近于100%;当其小于125 μg/m3时,新风系统的使用是随机性行为。通过二元Logistic回归方法建模分析发现,影响不同类型家庭新风系统使用行为的最大环境因素不同:对于活跃型家庭是室内温度,对于非活跃型家庭是室外PM2.5浓度。



 The usage behavior of residential outdoor air system directly affects indoor air quality, thermal comfort and building energy consumption. Selects four households in Beijing and measures the usage behavior of outdoor air system during transitional seasons. Finds that using the outdoor air system can improve indoor air quality significantly. However, the residential outdoor air system is not open for 24 hours. Puts forward the concepts of opening duration and opening probability to quantitatively evaluate the usage behavior. Concludes that the average daily opening duration is 16.5 hours and the average opening probability is 70.6%. The outdoor PM2.5 concentration is a key factor that affects the usage behavior of outdoor air system. When the outdoor PM2.5 mass concentration is greater than 125 μg/m3, the open probability of outdoor air system is basically close to 100%; when it is less than 125 μg/m3, the usage behavior of outdoor air system is random. Through binary logistic regression modeling and analysis, it is found that the maximum environmental factors that affect the usage behavior of outdoor air system of different households are different. It is indoor temperature for active households and outdoor PM2.5 concentration for inactive households.



