

Ventilation! Ventilation? From prevention and control of SARS in 2003 to COVID-19 transmission on “Diamond Princess” cruise in 2020

何峻州 邹紫薇 杨旭东


分析了2003年某医院SARS传染案例和2020年 “钻石公主”号新型冠状病毒肺炎感染案例。指出通风对于呼吸传染病室内传播具有两面性:加大通风量可以稀释微生物浓度以降低病毒传播风险,但若出现通风设计或运行的问题,可能会不利于阻止病毒在室内不同位置或不同房间之间的传播。当疫情发生时,通风除了传统的调节温度等功能之外,还要承担起保护人体健康和安全的重任。如何最大程度减少病毒在室内传播而引起的感染风险,是密闭环境通风设计运行的新挑战。



Analyses the SARS transmission in a hospital in 2003 and COVID-19 outbreak on the “Diamond Princess” cruise in 2020. Presents the positive and passive impacts of ventilation on the indoor transmission of respiratory infectious diseases. Increasing air rate can dilute microorganisms concentration to mitigate the virus transmission risk. On the other hand, inappropriate ventilation system design and operation may not be helpful to prevent the virus transmission in different locations or between different rooms. When an epidemic occurs, ventilation system features not only the traditional functions of temperature regulation, but also the responsibility of protecting human health and safety. How to minimize the infection risk caused by virus transmission is a new challenge for ventilation design and operation in enclosed environments.



