

Effectiveness of air distribution and pollutant control in isolation wards

李安桂[1] 张莹[1] 韩欧[1] 侯立安[1] 陈焰华[2] 李著萱[3] 马友才[4] 项卫中[5]
[1]西安建筑科技大学 [2]中信建筑设计研究总院有限公司 [3]中国中元国际工程有限公司[4]中南建筑设计院有限公司 [5]西安斯托克斯节能科技有限公司


基于新型冠状病毒肺炎医院的典型隔离病房,模拟了传统散流器顶部送风、竖壁贴附送风、竖壁贴附加导流板(实践中导流板可为活动折叠式)送风模式下的病房室内热环境和病原微生物的排除效果,给出了病房气流组织的有效性评价。结果表明:采用单风口竖壁贴附加导流板送风的气流组织形式,病房内1.5 m呼吸区高度范围通风效率为2.9~6.5,平均速度为0.13 m/s,平均温度为21.8 ℃,其污染物排除效果优于传统散流器顶送下排,推荐作为隔离病房气流组织的优先选用形式。



 Based on the typical isolation wards of COVID-19, simulates the indoor thermal environment and the removal effect of pathogenic microorganisms under the traditional air diffuser ceiling supply, the vertical wall-based attachment ventilation, and the vertical wall-based attached air supply with the deflector (in practice, the deflector can be folded). Evaluates the effectiveness of indoor air distribution. The results show that the air distribution of vertical wall-based attachment ventilation with the deflector, at the 1.5 m height breathing zone in the ward, has higher ventilation efficiency of 2.9 to 6.5, an average air velocity of 0.13 m/s, and an average temperature of 21.8 ℃. The pollutant removal effect is better than that of the air ceiling supply with traditional diffusers, which can be recommended as the preferred air distribution mode in isolation wards.



