

Research progress of solar energy heat pump heating technology

李亚伦 李保国 朱传辉





Describes the operation principles and characteristics of the solar energy heat pump system. Summarizes domestic and foreign researches from the aspects of solar collector, the application of the phase-change energy storage technology, refrigerants and solar energy heat pump system suitable for low temperature environment. Points out that the application of the photovoltaic and heat pipe technology to solar collector can improve the heat collection efficiency, phase-change energy storage technology can improve the stability of the system, and the application of the injector and heat pump cascade technology in the system can effectively reduce the compressor pressure ratio and improve the comprehensive performance of the heat pump system in low temperature environment. Analyses the reasons for limiting the promotion of solar heat pump heating technology. Puts forward its future development direction.

Keywords:solar energy, heat pump, heating, photovoltaic, heat pipe, phase-change energy storage


