

Calculation and analysis of provincial building energy consumption in China

蔡伟光[1] 庞天娇[1] 郎宁宁[1] 赵娅[1] 武涌[2]
[1]重庆大学 [2]中国建筑节能协会


对现有的省级层面的建筑能耗研究进行了梳理,归纳得到3类计算模型:能源平衡表拆分类、抽样调查类和多种方法融合类。提出了基于能源平衡表拆分模型的能耗计算公式,使各省建筑能耗之和与全国建筑能耗相等。根据对我国30个省市2015年建筑能耗测算的结果,得出3个主要结论:1) 人均GDP每增加1万元,城镇人均建筑能耗(标准煤)增加75 kg。2) 公共建筑单位面积第三产业产值每增加1 000元,其单位面积电耗约增加20 kW·h。3) 城镇人口每增加1 000万人,城镇居住建筑电耗增加58.6亿kW·h。



 Based on the analysis of the existing research on building energy consumption at the provincial level, concludes three types of calculation models, including energy balance table disassembly and classification, sampling survey and multi-method integration. Puts forward an energy consumption calculation formula based on the split model of energy balance table, so that the sum of building energy consumption in each province equals to that the national building energy consumption. According to the calculation results of building energy consumption of 30 provinces and cities in 2015, obtains three main conclusions: 1) For every 10 000 yuan increase in per capita GDP, the per capita building energy consumption (standard coal) in cities and towns increases by 75 kg. 2) For every 1 000 yuan increase in the output value of the tertiary industry per unit area of public buildings, the power consumption increases by about 20 kWh. 3) For every 10 million increase in urban population, the power consumption of urban residential buildings increases by 5.86 billion kWh.



