

Long-term monitoring of subjective sleep thermal comfort and adaptive behavior in nine cities of China

洪伟萍[1] 刘俊杰[1] 赖达祎[2]
[1]天津大学 [2]上海交通大学


为研究我国不同气候区居民的睡眠热舒适,对位于全国5个气候区9座城市的166户住宅居民进行了为期1年的睡眠热舒适调研。通过对获得的4 260份问卷的分析发现,住户睡眠热感觉为中性时,主观睡眠质量最好,偏暖的热感觉下睡眠质量比偏冷的热感觉下差。住户为改善睡眠环境会积极地调节寝具热阻、开关窗和使用空调,因此热感觉投票在“稍暖”“中性”和“稍冷”区间内的比例高达84%。但位于北方城市的调研住户由于夏季不开空调或冬季供暖过度,总体夜间睡眠时感觉到“暖”和“热”的比例高于感觉到“凉”和“冷”的比例(高1.2%~4.0%);而位于南方城市的调研住户冬季没有供暖,总体夜间睡眠时感觉到“凉”和“冷”的比例高于感觉到“暖”和“热”的比例(高1.0%~4.4%)。因此从全国范围来看,针对不同气候区的特点和行为调节习惯有重点地改善季节性睡眠热不舒适是住宅睡眠环境控制的关键。



To study the sleep thermal comfort of residents in different climate zones, conducts a one-year monitoring campaign on sleep thermal comfort of 166 residents in nine cities across five climate zones. Through the analysis of 4 260 questionnaires collected, finds that the subjective sleep quality is the highest when the sleep thermal sensation is neutral, and the quality of sleep under the hot sensation is worse than that of the cold sensation. Residents will actively adjust the sleep environment by changing the thermal resistance of the bedding system, opening/closing windows and using air conditioners. As a result, up to 84% of the thermal sensation votes are slightly warm, neutral and slightly cool. However, since the lack of air conditioner in summer and excessive heating in winter, the overall thermal sensation votes of residents living in the northern cities show that the proportion of feeling warm and hot votes is higher than the proportion of feeling cool and cold votes (1.2% to 4.0% higher), while due to the lack of central heating in the southern cities, the proportion of feeling cool and cold votes is higher than the proportion of feeling warm and hot votes (1.0% to 4.4% higher). From a national perspective, focusing on seasonal features in different climate zones and behavior adjustment to improve seasonal sleep thermal discomfort is the key to residential sleep environment control.



