

Upgrading and energy saving retrofitting of ventilation and air conditioning control system in an underground railway station in Wuhan



 针对武汉某地铁标准站的通风空调系统自动调节能力差、室内环境偏离设计值、系统能效低等问题,提出了基于智能按需供应策略的通风空调控制系统升级节能改造方案。改造后的系统可以根据空调负荷对风机、水泵运行频率和水阀开度等进行自动调节与系统优化控制。同时,一体化集中管理平台能根据系统历史运行数据和实时数据对系统的运行状态点进行大数据挖掘,实现节能优化。能效测评结果表明:在室外气象条件基本相同的情况下,相比于既有运行模式,在过渡季采用节能运行模式,系统1周节能6 248 kW·h,节能率为37.1%;制冷季采用节能运行模式,1周节能6 651 kW·h,节能率为31.5%。



 Proposes an upgrading and energy saving retrofitting scheme for ventilation and air conditioning control system based on the intelligent demand-based supply control strategy for improving the control of the ventilation and air conditioning system in a standard underground railway station in Wuhan due to poor automatic control capability, poor indoor environment deviating from design value, and low system energy efficiency etc. The upgraded system can automatically adjust the fan and pump operation frequency and the water valve opening according to the air conditioning load. At the same time, the integrated centralized management platform can perform big data mining for realizing energy efficient optimization based on the historical operation data and real-time operation data of the system. The energy efficiency evaluation results show that the energy efficient operation mode saves 6 248 kWh in one week in the transition season, and the energy saving rate is 37.1% when compared with the existing control mode in the similar outdoor weather conditions. For the cooling season, the energy saving operation mode saves 6 651 kWh in one week, and the energy saving rate is 31.5%.



