

Application of swarm intelligent system to a new commercial building

代允闯[1] 姜子炎[1] 张烽[2] 李洪波[2] 赵小虎[3] 宋媚琳[3] 浦江[3]
[1]清华大学 [2]华润置地总部 [3]华润置地华东大区


 群智能系统是一种新型建筑智能化系统,区别于传统的基于不同功能子系统的集中式控制系统架构,群智能系统将建筑及其机电系统划分为基本的建筑空间单元和机电设备单元,各基本单元通过计算节点CPN(computing processing node)升级为智能单元,智能单元之间基于通信相互协作,运行系统中各类APP,自组织地实现建筑系统中各类控制管理功能。介绍了苏州某新建商场应用群智能建筑平台的方案设计、工程实施、系统APP应用及其运行效果。通过实际工程应用,验证了群智能建筑平台快速部署、智能诊断、敏捷开发、即插即用的系统优势,为推进建筑机电智能设备单元出厂预制化发展提供了实践基础。



 Swarm intelligent system is a new building intelligent system. Different from the traditional centralized control system which has a hierarchical tree topology based on different functional subsystems, the swarm intelligent system with a decentralized architecture regards a building system as formation of basic space units and electromechanical equipment units. Every unit is upgraded to smart unit by installing CPN (computing processing node), through which the smart nodes can communicate and collaborate with each other, by running APPs among all CPNs in the system, to accomplish the function of control and management in building systems. Presents the application of swarm intelligent building platform to a new commercial building located in Suzhou from the aspects of design scheme, project implementation, system APP application and operation effect. The practical engineering application demonstrates the advantages of rapid deployment, intelligent diagnosis, agile development and plug-and-play feature, which also provides an important practical basis for the development of prefabrication of building electromechanical equipment units.



