
述评Eurovent 4/23-2018《一般通风中按EN ISO 16890 评级的空气过滤器之选用》

Review of Eurovent 4/23-2018 Selection of EN ISO 16890rated air filter classes for general ventilation applications

涂有[1] 涂光备[1] 王晨[2] 赵策[2] 王顺刚[2]
[1]天津大学 [2]天津安美环境科技工程有限公司


 国际标准化组织为适应室内空气品质对颗粒物质量过滤效率(ePMx)检测的需求,制定了ISO 16890:2016系列标准,规定了ePMx的测试方法与分级。近年来,国内相关研究机构和学者针对室内外空气环境及空气过滤器对颗粒物质量过滤效率等进行了多方面的研究与探讨。因涉及到多项因素和主要参数不易确定,迄今为止这些研究结果还很难用于指导空气过滤器的设计选型。Eurovent 4/23-2018是与ISO 16890:2016配套的标准文件,该标准化繁为简、便于实施,有较高的参考价值。述评了Eurovent 4/23-2018的一些要点,并对国内的研究走向提出了建议。



For the requirement of indoor air quality for particulate matter filtration efficiency (ePMx) testing, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed the ISO 16890:2016 series standards, in which stipulate the test methods and classification of ePMx. In recent years, the ePMx of air filters for indoor and outdoor air environment have been studied and discussed by some domestic institutes and researchers. So far these studies are difficult to apply in design and air filter selection due to uncertainties of major factors. Eurovent 4/23-2018 is a complement of ISO 16890:2016. It is more concise and practicable for the designers. Reviews some key points of Eurovent 4/23-2018, and proposes suggestions for domestic studies.




