

Background and tasks of Technical code on clean nursing and isolation unit: Part 1 of the series of research practice of national standard Technical code on clean nursing and isolation unit

许钟麟[1] 曹国庆[1] 张彦国[1] 张益昭[1] 潘红红[1] 沈晋明[2] 武迎宏[3]
[1]中国建筑科学研究院有限公司 [2]同济大学 [3]北京市医院感染管理质量控制和改进中心





 Some foreign standards give special provisions on intensive care unit (ICU), infectious patient ward and air infectious disease isolation ward, but few provisions about this content so far in Chinese standards. However, there were millions of hematological patients until 2009 in China and more than 40% of nosocomial infections caused by respiratory tract infection. Besides, ICU is also a common set-up room in hospitals. Therefore, in consideration of hospital health protection (namely, protect patients with positive pressure and environment with negative pressure), the new national standard is named as Technical code on clean nursing and isolation unit.



