

Rapid measurement method of emission rate of VOC from wood furniture—Sealed chamber method

张旭[1] 魏静雅[1] 王璐阳[1] 张寅平[1] 许俊[2] 罗菊芬[2]
[1]清华大学 [2]上海市质量监督检验技术研究院


国内外对木家具中挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的散发速率制定了限值和测定方法标准,但基本采用环境舱通风方法,测试时间长。提出了家具VOC散发速率密闭舱测定法,和已采用环境舱通风的国内标准方法相比,具有系统简单、测试快速的优点,测试时间从20 h缩短为2 h,测试结果偏差小于30%,为木家具VOC散发速率测定及相关标准制定提供了参考方法。



Emission limitations and test methods have been developed to control formaldehyde and VOC emissions from wood furniture at home and abroad, but most of these methods are based on ventilated chamber with the long test periods. Puts forward a sealed chamber method for measuring VOC emission from wood furniture. Compares with the existing standard method, this method has the advantage of simple system and fast test (the test duration is reduced from 20 hours to about 2 hours), and the difference between the measurement results is less than 30%, which provides a reference method for testing emissions and developing the corresponding testing method standards.




