

Energy consumption analysis of train air conditioners based on measured data

秦旭[1] 喻智霞[2] 鲍超[2]
[1]广州地铁设计研究院股份有限公司 [2]广州地铁集团有限公司运营事业总部


基于广州地铁6号线,在夏季最热的7—8月期间,在某列车车底的电气箱内安装测试电表,对列车车载空调器的耗电量进行了监测。通过数据分析发现:列车空调耗电量占列车辅助设备耗电量的比例为86%左右,占列车总耗电量的比例为21%左右;列车空调耗电量与牵引耗电量之比约为2∶8,单位里程列车空调平均耗电量为2.90 kW·h/km;短期内开、关轨道排热系统对列车空调耗电量影响较小。



Based on Guangzhou Underground Railway Line 6, during July and August, monitors the power consumption of train air conditioners by installing ammeters in the electrical box at the bottom of a train. After analysing the data, finds that the power consumption of train air conditioners accounts for about 86% of the power consumption of train auxiliary equipment and about 21% of the total power consumption of the train. The ratio of the power consumption of train air conditioners to the traction power consumption is about 2∶8, and the average power consumption per unit distance of train air conditioners is 2.90 kWh/km. In the short-term, the track heat removal system has little effect on the power consumption of train air conditioners.



