

Design matching level evaluation of air conditioning chilled water system based on exergy flow analysis

王逸骏[1] 晋欣桥[1] 杜志敏[1] 方兴[1] [2] 朱旭[1]
[1]上海交通大学 [2]中国舰船研究设计中心





To quantify the selection design and matching level of the main equipment of chilled water system, presents the ideal operation levels for the equipment and the system based on exergy flow analysis. According to the two ideal operation levels, proposes the matching degree for the equipment design to evaluate the influence of single equipment design on chilled water system and the matching degree for the system design to evaluate the matching level of the overall chilled water system. With the two indexes, evaluates the different selection design schemes of chillers and chilled water pumps of a chilled water system for an office building. Compares the matching degree of chillers and chilled water pumps in the different design schemes, and selects the best design scheme.



