
29 MW 燃气锅炉低氮改造工程

Low NOx retrofitting project of 29 MW gas boilers

李军[1] 邱金海[2]
[1]中国中元国际工程有限公司 [2]北京市热力集团有限责任公司


    结合北京某供热厂29 MW燃气锅炉低氮改造工程,简要介绍了烟气再循环和选择性催化还原法(SCR)技术原理,详细说明了烟气再循环系统设置、燃烧器改造和SCR系统还原剂与催化剂选择依据。并根据环保监测烟气排放数据,指出现阶段可采用低氮燃烧器+烟气再循环技术作为燃气锅炉氮氧化物控制主流技术,SCR技术的应用可使锅炉高负荷时满足更低的氮氧化物排放要求。



    Takes a low NOx retrofitting project of 29 MW gas boilers in Beijing as an example, briefly presents the flue gas recirculation and SCR technologies, and elaborates the installation of flue gas recirculation system, burner reformation, selection basis of reducing agent and catalyst for SCR system. Based on the environmental monitoring flue gas emission data, points out that low nitrogen burner and flue gas recirculation technology can be used as the main control technology of NOx in gas boilers at present, and the application of SCR technology can meet lower NOx emission requirements at high load of boiler.



