

Integration and application of active solar heating system with zero auxiliary heat source—Central solar heating design in Nyemo, Lhasa

李鹏宇[1] 戎向阳[1] 熊小军[1]
[1]中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司 [2]清华大学


    通过实际工程案例,指出了高海拔寒冷地区供暖系统设计所面临的差异化特点。分析了太阳能供暖系统取消辅助热源的必要性与可能性,提出了零辅助热源主动式太阳能供暖系统,详细介绍了该系统的新工艺流程及原理。利用理论计算与DesignBuilder数值模拟软件,定量分析了零辅助热源主动式太阳能供暖方案的技术参数。结果表明:通过系统的优化匹配设计,利用白天集热的蓄热量基本可以满足夜晚建筑的热需求;全年85%以上的时间可以完全满足供暖需求(室内温度18 ℃),不满足时间段的室温也在14 ℃左右;实现了零辅助热源主动式供暖(仅有水泵电耗),节能率达到72%。



Points out the different characteristics of heating system design based on a project in alpine region. Analyses the necessity and feasibility of solar heating system without supplementary heat source, proposes an active solar heating system with zero auxiliary heat source, and elaborates the new process flow and method of this system. Quantitatively analyses the technical parameters of the active solar heating system with zero auxiliary heat source by theoretical calculation and DesignBuilder numerical simulation software. The results show that the heat storage during daytime can basically meet the heating needs at night by optimal system design. The time that can meet the heating needs accounts for more than 85% throughout the year(indoor temperature is 18 ℃), the indoor temperature is around 14 ℃ even in the time that cannot be satisfied. Zero auxiliary heat source for active solar heating is realized (only contains water pump power consumption), and energy saving rate is 72%.



