

Establishment and implementation of air leakage grade and allowable air leakage volume standard for air ducts

林来豫[1] 孙凯[1] 李效禹[2] 连淳[3] 刘元光[3]
[1]解放军96608部队 [2]中国建筑科学研究院有限公司 [3]北京市设备安装工程集团有限公司


   为了提高风管的严密性,在JGJ 141—2004《通风管道技术规程》的修订(修订后为JGJ/T 141—2017《通风管道技术规程》)中,制定了与风管工作压力无关的风管漏风量等级与允许漏风量专项标准。风管漏风量等级共分为5级,施工时应按风管漏风量等级确定风管的制作和连接工艺。对于按漏风量等级选定的风管,在验收检验时应使用JGJ/T 141—2017《通风管道技术规程》附录规定的漏风量测量装置或专用测量仪器。



In order to improve the tightness of air ducts, in the revision of JGJ 141-2004 Technical specification for air duct (revised as JGJ/T 141-2017 Technical specification for air duct), establishes specific standards for air leakage grade and allowable air leakage volume of air ducts that are independent of working pressure. The air leakage rate of air ducts is divided into five grades. The fabrication and connection technology of air duct should be determined according to the air leakage grade of air duct during construction. For the selected air ducts according to air leakage grade, air leakage measuring devices or special measuring instruments specified in Appendix of JGJ/T 141-2017 Technical specification for air duct shall be used in acceptance check.



