

Influence of rubber ball on-line cleaning device on chiller performance

马硕[1] 刘万福[1] 马洪亭[2]
[1]天津商业大学 [2]天津大学


为了研究胶球在线清洗装置的清洗效果,对同一台冷水机组安装胶球在线清洗装置前后的污垢热阻和制冷性能系数进行了运行测试和对比分析。结果表明:胶球在线清洗装置具有良好的除垢效果,采用胶球在线清洗装置后冷凝器的污垢热阻平均降低了74.38%,制冷性能系数平均提高了11.31%。以单位时间平均运行费用最低为目标函数,建立了最佳清洗周期计算模型,通过优化分析,确定了最佳清洗周期,最佳清洗时间间隔为28 h,最佳清洗持续时间为8 h。在最佳运行模式下,单位时间运行费用与连续清洗运行模式相比减少了3.76%,投资回收期为2.6 a。



To investigate the cleaning effect of rubber ball on-line cleaning device, tests and compares the fouling resistance and the cooling coefficient of performance of a chiller with or without rubber ball on-line cleaning device. The results show that the device has a good descaling effect, the average fouling resistance of condenser is reduced by 74.38%, and the average cooling coefficient of performance is improved by 11.31% as the device is put into use. Taking the minimum operating cost per hour as objective function, establishes an optimal cleaning cycle calculation model, and obtains the optimal cleaning cycle, the optimal cleaning interval time is 28 hours and optimal cleaning duration is 8 hours. Under the optimal operational mode, the operating cost per hour is decreased by 3.76% compared with that of the continuous cleaning mode, and the dynamic payback period is 2.6 years.



