

Existing problems of thermal comfort index standard effective temperature (SET*) based on two-node model

杜 衡 杨昌智


新标准有效温度SET*Gagge等人于20世纪70年代提出的热舒适评价指标,收录于ASHRAE标准,长期以来得到了广泛的应用。但在实际应用过程中发现,现有SET*计算方法并不能使实际环境与标准环境达到良好的等价,而对热环境评价产生误差,在实际环境代谢率较高时误差更显著。分析了SET*理论与计算方法存在的问题以及误差产生的原因。指出现有SET*指标计算方法较适用于人体代谢率接近1 met的热环境评价。若实际环境代谢率较高,计算方法需作修正。



The standard effective temperature (SET*) is a thermal comfort evaluation index developed by Gagge et al. in 1970s. It is applied in ASHRAE standard and has been widely used for a long time. However, in the actual application process, it is found that the existing SET* calculation method cannot make the actual environment and the standard environment achieve a good equivalence and the error is more significant when the actual environmental metabolic rate is high. Analyses the problems of SET* theory and calculation method and the cause of the error. Points out that the existing SET* calculation method is more suitable for the thermal environment evaluation with a human metabolic rate close to 1 met. If the metabolic rate of the actual environment is high, the calculation method needs to be corrected.



