

Optimal matching of liquid desiccant air conditioning system driven by solar energy applied in low latitude isolated islands

刘艳峰 邱政豪 王莹莹 刘加平


针对低纬度孤立岛礁高温、高湿、强辐射气候和常规能源供应困难的特殊条件,将太阳能发电与溶液除湿空调相结合,介绍了该组合系统的空气处理流程和原理,建立了太阳能集热子系统和光伏发电子系统的数学模型。将该系统与常规冷却除湿空调系统在不同新风负荷比例及湿负荷比例下的耗冷量进行了比较分析。结果表明:溶液除湿空调系统比常规冷却除湿空调系统节能60%以上;当建筑湿负荷占总负荷的30%时,每处理100 kW冷负荷所需集热器面积约130 m2,光伏板面积约171 m2,且湿负荷比例越大,所需除湿机组规模和集热器面积越大,室内末端和独立光伏系统规模越小,总体节能效果越明显。



According to the special climatic conditions of high temperature, high humidity, intense radiation and the difficulty of conventional energy supply in low latitude isolated islands, proposes a hybrid system of solar power generation and liquid desiccant air conditioning. Presents the air treatment process and principle of the hybrid system. Sets up the mathematical models of solar collector subsystem and photovoltaic power generation subsystem. Compares the cooling consumptions of the hybrid system with that of the conventional cooling dehumidification system at different outdoor air load ratios and moisture load ratios. The results show that the liquid desiccant air conditioning system saves over 60% of energy than conventional cooling dehumidification system. When the building moisture load accounts for 30% of the total load, 130 m2 of heat collector and 171 m2 of PV panel areas are needed for every 100 kW of cooling load. The more the moisture load, the more the solar collector areas and larger size of desiccant unit, and the smaller scale of indoor terminal and power generation subsystem. The overall energy conservation is more significant.



