

Influence of single side inlet area on stack effect pressure ventilation rate in industrial plants

折倩娜 孟晓静 王怡





Aiming at the problem of unguaranteed natural air inlet area under the restriction of process conditions or the influence of auxiliary rooms in industrial plants and then affecting the effect of stack effect pressure ventilation, studies the influence of the single side air inlet area reduction on the stack effect pressure ventilation rate at the same heat source intensity by numerical simulation, and compares the influence of the air inlet area reduction on the ventilation rate at six different heat sources intensity. The results show that for the industrial plant with the centralized heat source, the overall variation trend of the stack effect pressure ventilation rate increases slightly at first and then decreases with the decrease of the air inlet area at the same heat source intensity, and the influence of the air inlet area reduction on the stack effect pressure ventilation rate gradually weakens with the increase of the heat source intensity.



