

Fine dust purification characteristics of air cleaners

刘锡尧[1] 张红飙[2] 魏源[2]
[1]龙岩市产品质量检验所 [2]国家空气污染治理设备产品质量监督检验中心(福建)


按照GB/T 188012015《空气净化器》中的颗粒物洁净空气量试验方法,采用电称低压冲击(ELPI)系统同时测定试验舱内颗粒物的计数浓度和质量浓度,研究了4台过滤式空气净化器对PM10PM2.5PM1.0等微细粉尘的净化特性。结果表明:PM10PM2.5PM1.0计数浓度衰减常数相同,质量浓度衰减常数呈递减趋势;对于同一台空气净化器,PM10PM2.5PM1.0计数浓度总衰减常数均略低于质量浓度;微细粉尘粒径越小,越难以被空气净化器去除。



According to the test method for clean air delivery rate of particulate matter in GB/T 18801-2015 Air cleaner, simultaneously tests the count concentration and mass concentration of particulate matter in a test cabin by electrometric low pressure impact (ELPI) system, and studies the purification characteristics of PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0 in four filter air cleaners. The results show that the count concentration attenuation constants of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0 are the same, and the mass concentration attenuation constants gradually decrease. For the same air cleaner, the total attenuation constant of count concentration of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0 is slightly lower than that of mass concentration, the smaller the particle size of the fine dust is, the harder it is to be removed by the air cleaner.



