
三议ISO 16890:2016标准的一些相关问题

Tertiary discussion on some related issues of ISO 16890:2016 standard

涂有[1] 涂光备[1] 赵策[2] 宋钊[2] 王顺刚[2]
[1]天津大学 [2]天津安美环境科技工程有限公司


ISO 16890:2016《一般通风用空气过滤器》定义了空气过滤器的颗粒物过滤效率(ePMx),并规定其值基于空气过滤器人工尘计径计数效率,利用典型大气气溶胶离散粒子体积分布数学模型换算得到。将利用该方法计算得到的颗粒物过滤效率与相同条件下采用粉尘测定仪实测的结果进行了比较,特别就ISO 16890:2016标准所推荐的光散射粒子计数器的粒径挡位设置进行了探讨,对国内研制适用于该标准的粒子计数器的粒径挡位设置提出了建议。



ISO 16890:2016 Air filters for general ventilation defines the particle matter efficiency (ePMx) for air filters which is calculated by a mathematical model of typical atmospheric aerosol discrete particle volume distribution based on the aerosol fractional efficiency of air filters. Compares the calculated ePMx with the data obtained by the dust analyzer under the same conditions. Discusses the settlement of particle size for light scattering particle counter recommended in the ISO 16890:2016, and proposes suggestions for developing domestic particle counter and its particle size settlement to satisfy requirements of the ISO 16890:2016.



