

Inlet parameter optimization of double circuit cooling coil

陈青龙[1] 张小斌[1] 张学军[1] 赵 阳[1] 郑幼明[2]
[1]浙江大学 [2]浙江省博物馆


为了减少常规恒温恒湿空调系统冷凝除湿过程中的热湿补偿损失,可以采用双回路表冷器同时调节水侧入口参数(流量与水温)。对表冷器水侧入口参数进行了优化,研究了采用该装置的恒温恒湿空调系统的节能潜力。通过建立部件能耗模型,得到了系统能耗的目标函数,利用粒子群优化(PSO)求解得到了目标函数值最小时的控制参数。分析结果表明:最优控制能够通过调整表冷器入口参数减少热湿补偿损失,与常规控制(恒定流量1 kg/s,恒定水温10 ℃)相比,在高温低湿下的节能效果尤为显著,节能率均高于60%。



In order to reduce the loss of heat and moisture compensation in the process of condensation and dehumidification of conventional constant temperature and humidity air conditioning system, the double circuit cooling coil can be used to adjust the inlet water parameters (flow rate and water temperature). Optimizes the inlet water parameters of the cooling coil, and studies the energy saving potential of the constant temperature and humidity air conditioning system with this device. Obtains the objective function of the system energy consumption by establishing an energy consumption model of the component, and obtains the hourly control parameters of the objective function by using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The results show that the optimal control can reduce the loss of heat and moisture compensation by adjusting the inlet parameters of the cooling coil, compared with the conventional control (constant flow rate at 1 kg/s, constant water temperature at 10 ℃), the energy saving effect is significant in high temperature and low humidity condition, with over 60% of the energy saving ratio.



