

Effects of GSHP system on thermal environment of vegetation growth in Olympic Forest Park

刘启明 张志尧


为研究地源热泵系统运行时对植被的影响,对浅层(0.5~3.1 m)地温进行了监测,结果表明:随着地层深度及距地源热泵系统距离的增大,地源热泵系统对浅层地温的影响逐渐减小,且对浅层地温的年变化及变化幅度影响较小;同时将浅层地温按各自深度进行加权平均,数据表明地源热泵系统对整个地温场的影响有限,故地源热泵系统对森林公园的植被影响亦有限。



In order to analyse the influence of ground-source heat pump (GSHP) system on vegetation, monitors the underground temperature(0.5 to 3.1 m) during the operation of the system. Analyses the influence of GSHP on the underground temperatures. The results show that the influence of the GSHP on the underground temperature decreases with the increase of the depth and the distance from GSHP, and the influence of GSHP on the annual variation and the variation range of the underground temperature is less. Meanwhile, after weighted average of the ground temperature of the shallow layer according to their respective depths, the data show that the influence of the GSHP on the temperature field is limited. Therefore, the influence of the GSHP on the vegetation in the Olympic Forest Park is also limited.



