

Influences of foot heating on human body’s overall and local thermal sensation in non-uniform environment

谭 畅 李念平 何颖东


对20名受试者采用问卷调查的方式,研究了14,16,18 ℃环境温度下足部供暖对人体整体与局部热感觉的影响。结果显示:足部供暖不仅能增大足部热感觉投票值,还能显著增大大腿、小腿以及整体热感觉投票值(P<0.05);在均匀环境下,足部热感觉投票值与大腿、小腿热感觉投票值具有较强线性相关性(R2≥0.94),与整体热感觉投票值也呈线性关系(R2=0.89);在非均匀环境下,足部热感觉投票值与大腿、小腿以及整体热感觉投票值呈高斯函数曲线相关关系(R2分别为0.94,0.92,0.83)。



With a questionnaire survey on 20 volunteers, studies the effects of foot heating on human bodys overall and local thermal sensation at 14 , 16 , 18 of ambient temperature respectively. The results show that foot heating can not only increase the thermal sensation vote value of the feet, but also significantly increase the thigh, shank and overall thermal sensation vote valuesP0.05. In a uniform environment, the thermal sensation vote value of the feet has a strong linear correlation (R20.94) with those of the thigh and shank, and also has a linear relationship with the overall thermal sensation vote value (R2=0.89). In a non-uniform environment, the relationship between the foot thermal sensation voting value and the thigh, shank and overall thermal sensation vote values is the Gauss function curve (R2 is 0.94, 0.92, 0.83, respectively).



