

Energy consumption of multi split air conditioning system for office buildings in China

张国辉[1] 刘万龙[2] 徐秋生[2] 石文星[1]
[1]清华大学 [2]青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司


对位于全国不同气候区的7栋办公建筑的多联机进行了长期的能耗监测,发现寒冷地区多联机在制热季的能耗约占全年能耗的60%;夏热冬冷地区制冷季的能耗约占全年能耗的50%,制热季能耗占比在29%~40%之间;在夏热冬暖地区,多联机的制冷季能耗占比在80%以上。多联机的能耗强度与用户入住率、室外温度等因素密切相关。结合已公开的实测数据资料,分析了19栋办公建筑多联机的年度能耗强度,结果显示:我国办公建筑多联机的能耗强度在20~50 kW·h/(m2·a)之间,折合标准煤为6.5~16.4 kg/(m2·a);在建筑面积大于2万m2的办公建筑中,相对于其他类型的集中式空调系统,多联机具有节能优势。



Conducts a long term survey on seven office buildings using the multi split air conditioning systems in different climatic regions of China. Finds that the energy consumption of multi split air conditioning system in heating season of cold zone accounts for about 60% of the total annual energy consumption, and about 50% and 29%~40% for those in cooling and heating season of hot summer and cold winter zone, respectively. In hot summer and warm winter zone, the energy consumption accounts for over 80%. The energy intensity is closely related to the occupancy rate and outdoor temperature. Combined with the available literatures, analyses nineteen office buildings using the multi split air conditioning systems. The results show that the energy consumption intensity ranges from 20 to 50 kW·h/(m2·a), equivalent to 6.5~16.4 kg /(m2·a) of standard coal. For the buildings with an area over 20 000 m2, relative to other types of central air conditioning systems, the multi split air conditioning system shows the advantage of energy efficiency.



