

Analysis on influencing factors of hourly cooling load coefficient in an airport terminal in summer

曹荣光[1] 宋孝春[1] 张 斌[1] 雷 博[1] 晁江月[1] 董书芸[2] 薛 鹏[3]
[1]中国建筑设计院有限公司 [2]中国地铁工程咨询有限责任公司 [3]北京工业大学 绿色建筑环境与节能技术北京市重点实验室


测试分析了某机场航站楼夏季逐时冷负荷系数的影响因素。结果表明:间歇附加冷负荷和热风侵入冷负荷是影响航站楼夏季冷负荷系数的主要因素;间歇附加冷负荷只出现在系统最初运行的7 h内,小时最大值为当时基础冷负荷的15.9%;间歇附加冷负荷在空调系统启动后逐渐减小,不与建筑冷负荷最大值时刻重合,不增加建筑设计冷负荷;热风侵入冷负荷由航站楼风量不平衡导致,最大、最小值分别为当时基础冷负荷的22.4%,5.9%。此次测试参数的分布特性可为机场航站楼空调系统设计及运行调控提供参考。



Investigates the influencing factors of the hourly cooling load coefficient in an airport terminal in summer. The results show that both intermittent added cooling load and hot air intrusion cooling load are the main factors affecting the cooling load coefficient of the terminal. The intermittent added cooling load only occurs within seven hours of the initial operation of the system, with an hourly maximum value accounting for 15.9% of the basic cooling load. The intermittent added cooling load gradually decreases with the air conditioning system running, and does not coincide with the maximum value of the building cooling load. Therefore, this factor does not increase the design value of the cooling load. The hot air intrusion cooling load is caused by the unbalanced air supply in the terminal, and the maximum and minimum values are 22.4% and 5.9% of the basic cooling load respectively. The distribution characteristics of the test parameters can provide references for the design and operation control of air conditioning systems in airport terminals.



