

Methodology of energy planning for net zero building energy community

龙惟定[1] 白 玮[2] 王培培[2] 梁 浩[3]
[1]同济大学 [2]上海同济城市规划设计研究院 [3]住房和城乡建设部科技与产业化发展中心





Net zero energy buildings (NZEB) utilize renewable energy sources based on ultra-low energy building technologies. NZEB’s annual total energy consumption is approximately equal to the amount of renewable energy produced on-site or elsewhere. However, there are many difficulties in achieving ultra-low energy consumption and using renewable energy in large-scale single buildings. The solution is to achieve a net zero building energy community (NZBEC) through the sharing of space and environmental resources at the level of building group or community and the leveling of construction load. NZBEC needs energy planning that is based on synergy and coordinating between the demand and supply sides. Presents a six-step approach to energy planning, namely, goal setting, resource analysis, demand forecasting, urban planning coordination, system optimization and performance evaluation.



