

Experimental study on wall and ceiling capillary radiant cooling performance

杜晨秋 李百战 刘 红 程 勇 陈金华
重庆大学 绿色建筑与人居环境营造教育部国际合作联合实验室 低碳绿色建筑国际联合研究中心 三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室


研究了供水温度16 ℃和18 ℃时侧墙和顶板毛细管辐射供冷室内热环境响应特性及舒适性等。结果表明:2种末端供冷室内平均辐射温度和操作温度均在4 h内达到稳定,且稳定阶段温度低于28 ℃;毛细管间距2 cm与4 cm情况下侧墙辐射单位面积热流量稳定值差20.62 W/m2。稳定阶段2种辐射末端室内温度分布均匀,顶板辐射室内满足I级热环境标准(PMV≤0.5),侧墙辐射满足II级热环境标准(0.5<PMV≤1)。2种形式辐射末端都能营造舒适室内热环境。



Analyses the indoor thermal environment responses and comfort of wall and ceiling capillary radiant cooling at the system water supply temperatures of 16 ℃ and 18 ℃, respectively. The results show that the indoor thermal environments of both terminals can be stabilized within 4 hours and both the temperatures in steady-state are kept at 28 ℃. The difference of heat flow per unit area of wall radiant cooling is up to 20.62 W/m2 for the capillary tube distances of 2 cm and 4 cm. The indoor vertical and horizontal temperature distribution of both terminals are uniform, and the thermal environments of wall and ceiling radiant cooling systems are evaluated as Grade II (0.5<PMV≤1) and Grade I (PMV≤0.5) in steady-state, respectively. The indoor thermal environments of two radiant terminals can meet the comfort requirements of the standard.



