

Energy consumption and influence factor analysis of tertiary hospital buildings in Suzhou

李振全[1] 雷亚平[1] 马思聪[1] 施海星[1] 田 真[2]
[1]苏州市建筑科学研究院集团股份有限公司 [2]苏州大学


采用能源审计的方式对苏州市6家三级甲等医院的能耗现状进行了调研统计,结果显示:苏州地区三级甲等医院平均单位面积年能耗量(折合标准煤)为60.93 kg/(m2·a),处于夏热冬冷气候区的中等水平。基于偏相关分析法对医院能耗的影响因素进行了分析,发现医院的建筑面积、年总床日数、手术人次、住院人次、床位数与能耗显著相关,而急诊量为显著不相关影响因素。



Investigates and surveys the energy consumption status of six tertiary hospitals in Suzhou by energy audit method. The result shows that the average energy consumption is 60.93 kg/(m2·a) of standard coal, which is at a moderate level in hot summer and cold winter climate zone. According to partial correlation analysis, discusses the hospital energy consumption influence factors. The result shows that hospital building area, annual total number of bed-day, number of operation and hospitalization, total number of beds are significantly correlated with energy consumption of tertiary hospitals, while the emergency amount is not a significantly correlated factor.



