

Human thermal comfort in office buildings in Tianjin

邢金城[1] 李泽青[1] 凌继红[1] 王健博[2]
[1]天津大学 [2]中车长春轨道客车股份有限公司


以天津市某办公建筑为研究对象,依靠该建筑空调系统的自主可调性,人为改变影响热舒适的相关参数,采用了现场调查与理论计算相结合的方式,对全年各季节办公建筑室内环境参数对人体热舒适的影响展开了研究,分析了环境因素和非环境因素对人体热舒适的影响。结果显示:天津地区办公建筑的夏季中性温度为24.8 ℃,舒适区范围为20.2~29.4 ℃;冬季中性温度为21.3 ℃,舒适区范围为15.8~27.0 ℃。并与中国其他地区的热舒适研究结果进行了对比。



Taking an office building in Tianjin as an example, conducts a whole year research on the impact of indoor environmental parameters on the human thermal comfort by the method of combining field investigation with theoretical calculation. By means of the adjustability of the building air conditioning system, manually changes the relevant parameters influencing thermal comfort. Analyses the influences of environmental and non-environmental factors on human thermal comfort. The results show that the neutral temperature is 24.8 in summer, and the range of comfort zone is 20.2 to 29.4 for the office building in Tianjin. The neutral temperature is 21.3 in winter, and the range of comfort zone is 15.8 to 27.0 . Compares the results with those in other regions of China.



