

Energy consumption and satisfaction rate of different heating terminals in Chengdu area

孙弘历 林波荣 王 者 林智荣


夏热冬冷地区居民供暖末端形式主要有燃气壁挂炉+地板供暖系统、燃气壁挂炉+散热器系统和热泵系统等。对位于夏热冬冷地区的成都地区10户住宅(4户燃气壁挂炉+地板供暖系统,2户燃气壁挂炉+散热器系统和4户热泵系统)的冬季室内热环境进行了现场测试、主观问卷调研及供暖能耗分析研究。实测结果表明:成都地区冬季住宅室内温度在5~22 ℃范围内;不同供暖末端对应的冬季室内温度有高有低,但住户都有较高的热环境满意率(不满意率在5%以下);能耗水平存在较大差别。其中,燃气壁挂炉+散热器用户每月标准煤耗量达5.87 kg/m2,等效能耗水平是热泵用户的8倍以上。不同家庭即使同样采用燃气壁挂炉+地板供暖系统,能耗也会有较大差别。本次研究未发现能耗水平与满意率存在显著相关性。



Floor heating with gas boiler (FH), radiator with gas boiler and air-source heat pump (ASHP) are the most popular heating terminals in residential buildings of hot summer and cold winter zone. Investigates 10 families in Chengdu area (4 with FH, 2 with radiator and 4 with ASHP) through indoor thermal environment monitoring, questionnaire surveys and heating energy consumption analyses. The results show that the indoor air temperature varies from 5 ℃ to 22 ℃. Different heating terminals result in significantly difference of heating energy consumption, however the overall thermal comfort satisfactory level is stable at a relatively high standard. For example, the FH families consume more than 5.87 kg/m2 coal per month, 8 times as much as that of the ASHP families. In addition, the energy consumption varies a lot in different households with FH. It is not found that the increase of heating energy consumption leads to the improvement of thermal comfort satisfaction.



