

Energy saving research on outdoor air conditioning system in large data center

[1]顾小杰 [2]李晓冬 [3]曹 建 [4]胡宇阳
[1]联通云数据有限公司 [2]哈尔滨工业大学 [3]中国铁路设计集团有限公司 [4]北京筑邦建筑装饰工程有限公司


对哈尔滨新风空调系统进行了节能研究与分析,以一大型数据中心机房为例进行了节能量计算。结果表明,数据中心机房采用新风空调系统比常规空调系统每年可节电756 547 kW·h,系统的静态投资回收期为3.18 a。对全国5个热工分区的11个代表城市进行了节能量分析计算,为其他地区数据中心机房采用新风节能提供参考。



Carries out the energy saving research and analysis of the outdoor air conditioning system in Harbin. Taking a large data center as an example, calculates the energy saving amount. The results indicate that comparing with the conventional air conditioning system, the outdoor air conditioning system can save 756 547 kWh electricity for the data center, and the period of static investment payback is 3.18 years. Analyses and calculates the energy saving amount of 11 representative cities in five climatic zones, providing a reference for  data centers in other regions using the outdoor air conditioning system for energy saving.



