

Energy saving effect of external thermal insulation of residential building under actual energy usage condition in hot summer and cold winter zone

钱晓倩 阮 方 钱匡亮 王 聪


针对现行JGJ 1342010《夏热冬冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准》中规定的夏热冬冷地区连续用能方式与实际用能情况存在严重偏离的问题,在该地区典型城市杭州市开展了大规模问卷调研,得到了该地区居民基本空调行为方式、容忍温度及设定温度的平均值。采用DeST建筑能耗模拟软件分析了不同用能方式下居住建筑外墙外保温的节能效果。研究结果表明,合理规定节能设计标准中的设计工况是准确评价外墙保温措施节能效果的重要前提。



According to Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter zone (JGJ 134-2010), there is a great difference between continuous energy utilization and actual energy usage. Based on the large scale of questionnaire survey in Hangzhou, a typical city in hot summer and cold winter zone, obtains the basic air conditioning behavior of local residents, the tolerant temperature and the average set temperature. Analyses the energy saving effects of the exterior thermal insulation of the residential buildings under different energy usage modes using building energy consumption simulation software DeST. The results show that reasonably setting the design condition in energy saving design standards is an important premise for accurately evaluating the energy saving effect of the exterior thermal insulation.



